What is a mission statement?
Step-by-step how to develop a mission statement
How to keep your mission statement at the forefront of your brand
What is a mission statement?
Here’s the Wikipedia definition: A mission statement is a short statement of why an organization exists, what its overall goal is, the goal of its operations: what kind of product or service it provides, its primary customers or market, and its geographical region of operation.
Here’s the Sparknotes: a mission statement is what your business is doing right now.
How to Create a Mission Statement.
Before you write your mission statement we need to loosely define three things.
Brand purpose
Brand values
Brand goals
Brand Purpose
Could be products or services offered, just generally what your business does or aims to do.
Brand Values
We’re going to map these out in-depth later during this course, so just use this list of values and notate a few that seem to resonate.
Brand Goals
This can easily get confused with brand purpose, but this is what you are delivering on for your customers. This should tie together the brand purpose and the brand values.
Let’s use this hypothetical coffee shop example to see each of these in practice.
Brand Purpose
Offer a communal space for others to come together and enjoy a wide array of coffee’s, teas and smoothies.
Brand Values
Community, belonging, freshness, simplicity
Tip: Here’s a long list of brand values to get you started.
Brand Goals
Create a space to build new relationships, strengthen existing relationships, and welcome all two legged and four legged friends.
Design an inclusive menu of snacks and beverages sourced from local farmers that rotates on a seasonal basis.
Tip: Have no more than 3 goals.
Put it all together.
Your mission statement is a combination of your brand purpose, brand values, and brand goals. Check out the example below.